About this Blog

I oftentimes find myself feeling as if I am drowning in a sea of brokenness. Financial strains, familial tensions, and the like, oftentimes distract me from who I am in Christ, and furthermore, what I am called to do as His servant. Scripture repeatedly teaches that a part of my calling is to offer up my body as a living sacrifice, and this includes giving thanks for the blessings in my life to the loving God who bestows them. My life needs to be one of joy, one that actively pursues beauty and appreciates all things, even those that are commonly overlooked.
With this blog, I hope to take myself and anyone who reads it on a journey in which each and every day I find something to do, or see, or make that is beautiful and can be deeply appreciated. Then, I will give the beauty I find as an offering of praise and thanks to the Lord by writing about it here on this blog. Check back each day for a new post! I hope that what you read here will inspire you to appreciate life more and actively pursue the beauty that surrounds you, even in the midst of brokenness.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Father Daughter Date

Tonight I went on a date...with my Dad. :)

We went down to  Edmonds and visited the Waterfront Coffee Company, got our delicious drinks (I ordered a Mexican Mocha and Dad had an Iced Coffee), talked with the Barista for a bit, and then headed down to the water to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Since my summer is about to close, I wanted to spend some quality time with my dad before I headed back to school. And quality time we had. We spoke of our summers, our thoughts on C.S. Lewis' many books, and more. We had great conversation, and I am just so so glad he is my dad, and not anyone else.

I wanted to take a picture of the two of us in front of the water, but lucky for us there was a nice man near us who was willing to take our picture, so it didn't have to be all 'myspace-ey' haha.

Thank you, Lord, for this fun time I had with my dad. Let us continue to grow in our relationship with each other and with You.


  1. Relationships like that are few and far between. Something to be treasured and never taken for granted!

  2. You are absolutely right, Shari! I am so blessed to have the relationship I have with my dad. :)
